More about Dr. Wortman

Dr. Wortman spent his early childhood in Costa Rica and speaks Spanish. He is married and enjoys soccer, genealogy and travel.

He obtained his undergraduate degree from Harvard College and his M.D. from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark, NJ. He has completed residencies and is Board Certified in both internal medicine (1989) and dermatology (1992). He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Dermatology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine from 1992-1995. He has been in the private practice of dermatology since 1995.

Dr. Wortman believes that what sets the practice apart is a willingness to look beyond what is “wrong” with the body and to consider the possible roles of mind, energy and spirit in causing a particular problem, in its resolution and in learning how to cope with it.  Our body often speaks to us (or tries to) through a physical problem or illness.  It can be of great benefit for a person to try to understand this message.

Bernie  Siegel, MD, (surgeon and author) says that “it often takes a psychological or physical illness to get us back on course” toward our “inner blueprint,” which “maps out the path of our psychological, intellectual, and spiritual development …

“To get back on the path always means finding the way in which we can best contribute love to the world.  For we all have our own individual way of expressing love, and when we discover what it is, then we will live the longest, be the healthiest, and enjoy life the most, as well as become able to receive the most love from others… Love is the golden thread that unites the many forms of healing… [and if] people can be brought to love themselves, some incredibly wonderful things begin to happen to them, not only psychologically but also physically.”